Seguridad del Bebé en Casa: Lista de Productos y Recomendaciones:
- Protectores de Enchufes. Impiden que introduzcan sus dedos u objetos
- Topes Antiportazos. Para que no se pillen las manos
- Cantos superacolchados para las mesas
- Esquineras superacolchadas para muebles y mesas. Para evitar golpes y heridas
- Cierres multiusos. Para evitar que abran puertas, tapas del wc...
- Cierres para cajones. Para evitar que puedan abrirlos
- Seguro para Nevera. Para que no la abran
- Barrera de puerta y escaleras para impedir el acceso
- Protector de Horno y cocina para que no se quemen ni accedan a ellos
- Vigilar al bebé en todo momento
- Suelos y escaleras libres de juguetes y obstáculos
- Utilizar siempre el arnés en la silla de paseo y en la trona
- Nunca dejarle desatendido cuando se encuentre sobre una superficie elevada
- Las medicinas, productos de limpieza y otros productos del hogar potencialmente peligrosos deben guardarse en su contenedor original y dentro de un armario cerrado
- Nunca dejar al niño solo cuando se encuentre en la bañera
- Vigilar al niño en todo momento cuando se encuentre en un entorno desconocido
- cuerdas y cables por el riesgo de estrangulamiento. Si su presencia es inevitable haz que midan menos de 15cm y que no estén al alcance del bebé.
- Los móviles y juguetes con lazos o cuerdas que desciendan a la cuna
- los objetos decorativos sobre todo si están en el suelo o al alcance de la mano del bebé pueden caer y golpearle.
- Los aparatos eléctricos, TV, dvd, equipo de música mejor fuera del alcance de sus manos
- Ventana y balcones. Colocar barandillas o barreras de seguridad para evitar que se pueda caer.
¿Qué os parece la lista? ¿falta o sobra algo? ¿Ta animas a dejar un comentario con tus sugerencias? Creo que con este listado y vuestras aportaciones podemos ayudar a las padres y futuros padres que necesiten ayuda en este tema.
Tomado desde el blog de babydeco
Tomado desde el blog de babydeco
The English translation from Google TranslatorÑ
- Plug protector. Prevent placing their fingers or objects
- Bumpers Antiportazos. For your hands are not caught
- Songs for the tables superacolchados
- Corners superacolchadas furniture and tables. To avoid bumps and bruises
- Closing trades. To avoid open doors, toilet lids ...
- Locks for drawers. To prevent them from opening
- Safe for Refrigerator. To not open
- Barrier door and stairs to prevent access
- Oven and stove guard to prevent burning or access them
- Watching the baby at all times
- Floors and stairs clear of toys and obstacles
- Always use the harness on the stroller and highchair
- Never leave unattended when you are on a raised surface
- Medicines, cleaning products and other potentially hazardous household products should be stored in their original container and in a locked cabinet
- Never leave a child alone when in the bath
- Monitor the child at all times when in an unfamiliar environment
- Ropes and cables for the risk of strangulation. If their presence is unavoidablebeam measuring less than 15cm and not reach the baby.
- Mobiles and toys with ribbons or strings to fall to the cradle
- Decorative objects especially if they are on the ground or to hand the babycan fall and hit him.
- Electrical appliances, TV, DVD, stereo best out of your fingertips
- Windows and balconies. Put handrails or guardrails to prevent it from falling.
What do you think the list? Or are you missing something? Ta ¿encouraged to leave a comment with your suggestions? I think this list and your contributionscan help parents and parents who need help in this matter.
- Plug protector. Prevent placing their fingers or objects
- Bumpers Antiportazos. For your hands are not caught
- Songs for the tables superacolchados
- Corners superacolchadas furniture and tables. To avoid bumps and bruises
- Closing trades. To avoid open doors, toilet lids ...
- Locks for drawers. To prevent them from opening
- Safe for Refrigerator. To not open
- Barrier door and stairs to prevent access
- Oven and stove guard to prevent burning or access them
- Watching the baby at all times
- Floors and stairs clear of toys and obstacles
- Always use the harness on the stroller and highchair
- Never leave unattended when you are on a raised surface
- Medicines, cleaning products and other potentially hazardous household products should be stored in their original container and in a locked cabinet
- Never leave a child alone when in the bath
- Monitor the child at all times when in an unfamiliar environment
- Ropes and cables for the risk of strangulation. If their presence is unavoidablebeam measuring less than 15cm and not reach the baby.
- Mobiles and toys with ribbons or strings to fall to the cradle
- Decorative objects especially if they are on the ground or to hand the babycan fall and hit him.
- Electrical appliances, TV, DVD, stereo best out of your fingertips
- Windows and balconies. Put handrails or guardrails to prevent it from falling.
What do you think the list? Or are you missing something? Ta ¿encouraged to leave a comment with your suggestions? I think this list and your contributionscan help parents and parents who need help in this matter.
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